Dev Report
Hey, all you Fashion Business fans!
Oh yeah, we know you're eagerly awaiting the next update! Well, here's the latest scoop: our favorite troublemaker Fred is back at it again! Of course, he won't miss a chance to tease Monica. And let me tell you, he's a real crafty one – every encounter with him is a wild ride! So get ready for some unexpected surprises and showdowns, because with Fred, it's never dull!
But wait, there's more!
The storyline of the LeGrand Hotel crew has been intertwining more and more with other plotlines lately. But don't think everything's settled within the hotel walls. Remember not too long ago there was a fierce battle for the manager's role.And if Monica thinks she's eliminated all her competitors and her status is untouchable, she's dead wrong. It's time to find out who'll seize the opportunity while Monica's attention is focused on the Pub, the Office, and Fred.